Morning Session- 8.45-11.15 am (class of 26)
Afternoon Session- 12.15-2.45pm (class of 26)
· Mrs K Livingstone: Teacher-in-Charge of Nursery Unit
· Mrs G Cousins: Nursery Teacher
· Mrs A Maguire: Nursery Assistant
· Miss M McComb: Nursery Assistant
Each year, we ask all parents to make a voluntary contribution of £40 per term into our nursery fund. This money goes towards funding our daily snack times, when the children enjoy a social time together and are offered a range of foods off the following menu:
· Variety of breads e.g. toast, muffins, pancakes, rolls, wraps
· Dairy produce e.g.cheese, yogurts, milk
· Fruit and veg e.g.apples, pears, oranges, grapes, bananas etc.
· Baked goods –we try, at least twice a month, to bake with the children, making fairy cakes, cakes, buns and other treats!
A healthy lifestyle is promoted at all times during the year, including exercise and agility during outdoor play sessions.
Any funds not used to provide for the children’s snack are often used to buy some much needed resources for the nursery e.g. outdoor play equipment, computer software, stationary or toys and games.