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  • School Council

    School Council


    At the start of each year, enthusiastic pupils in KS2 nominate themselves to be School Council representatives.  They present speeches to their classes and those elected, act as representatives of their classmates.  Each classroom displays an agenda board to record what matters to the children.   

     School Council members meet together regularly; an elected chairperson directs conversations and the secretary takes notes.  Items of interest include school dinner suggestions, ideas for after school activities, possible AR prizes and requests for school discos.  Healthy discussions allow for the pros and cons of various suggestions to be considered, and the pupils feel that their voice is heard.

    Our Break time Buddies timetable operates each week where friendships are developed and pupils enjoy helping younger children to play together.

    School Council members hold an Art competition each Christmas for KS2 pupils to design the cover and tickets for the carol service.

    A highlight of the year is our visit to Parliament Buildings at Stormont.  Pupils learn about how decisions are made at local government level.  In the Assembly chamber, they take part in a mock debate about school uniform.

    School Council members care about Cairnshill Integrated Primary and enjoy sharing their great ideas.